06 October 2008

Come fly with me

Nico and I have lived in the Netherlands for a little over 2 years now and during this time we have spent many weekends visiting cities, towns and villages by car, train, bus, bike and on foot.

But time is running out on this adventure and, although we'll be back here, we still want to see places that we haven't managed to fit in so far.

Enter Nico's dad, Bart, and his Cessna!

We were lucky enough to have clear skies for our 4 seater light aircraft trip which started at the little airport in Budel. We flew over Weert, Roermond, Kessel, Panningen (over Nico's parents' house), Venlo and Nijmegen (over our flat). We then followed the rivers Waal and Maas to the Biesbosch area where the rivers meet and the Netherlands comes to an end. We continued over Zeeland province, taking in the oosterschelde kering (part of the famous Delta Works), the Zeeland Bridge (all 5022 metres of it) and Bergen op Zoom. We followed the Dutch-Belgian border and then landed back in Budel 2,5 hours after setting off.

What a great way to see a country. Thanks Bart!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh man, lucky you - that's awesome! I know the feeling of urgency 'must see everything in the next few weeks!'