14 August 2007

Is it August already?!

What happens to the days, I ask you? Well. Let's see.
Jane and Edwin tied the knot, and looked beautiful while they tied it.
I finished working for the nuns and took up curriculum developing and sanity editing.
I decided to do only one course again this semester for my MA.

It seems that I live in the Netherlands, work in Japan and the UK and study in Australia. Less exoctically, I spend a lot of time in front of my trusty laptop.

We went for a cycle and happened upon the biggest windmill for something to do with wheat. Come on...I'm stretching my tired mind all the way back to last month. Here are a couple of pretty pictures from the day!
We had a smashing high tea in Dussen with Sheelah, Ed, Jane and Edwin. I think I put on about 10 kilos in one afternoon. It was just like Christmas and a birthday and a lovely Sunday afternoon all rolled into one. Check out Jane's blog for some fab-o pictures!
And we found a flat in Nijmegen! Yay. We'll be moving some time between September 16th and October 1st.
This weekend it's off to the Lowlands festival. R.O.C.K. O.N.
And then for a road trip to Croatia on September 1st.
And then I promise I'll have more pictures and stories on the blog.
If anybody's still reading?!
As an end note...it seems that I've lost the ability to edit a post properly and going against all my anal retentiveness, I'm going to leave this layout because I. simply. can't. be. bothered.


Anonymous said...

Someone is still reading this : )

Anonymous said...

your mother is!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm reading, I'm reading. Don't stop posting! That's so cool, your international life/work/study! :) -Brenda