17 June 2007

Stuff and Things

How do you top a blog entry slideshow about your own wedding?

The answer is that you can't. Well, actually, I can't.

Life post-wedding is pretty much the same as pre-wedding, except now we have rings on our left hands.

But spurred on by Brenda's comment on my last post, I feel compelled to write more, write more.

So news of late is this:

I quit work. My last day is August 10. So from August 11 I am officially a full time student again. We're hoping to go on a short trip to Croatia around then, and we're also hoping that Tomas and Jessica can make it down here for a holiday before they become real, live parents.

I had the pleasure of meeting Jasper. Who is he, you ask? Well, apart from being a beautiful baby, he is the new (3 week-ish) son of Debbie (from work) and hubby, Arthur. Debbie looks fantastic...a very relaxed, natural mum. If I ever pop any kiddies out, I hope that I will look as good as and be as relaxed as Debbie is! Meeting Jasper almost made me want to have a baby.

Get up off the floor now. I said almost.

Nico and I are looking (well, kind of) for a place to live in Nijmegen. Hopefully we'll be able to move in August. Busy month that will probably turn out to be.

Even though all these post-wedding events and plans are great, the highlight, by far, has been Festival Mundial in Tilburg. €10 for a full day of world music is just too great to put into words! But even greater than that absolute bargain was that The Cat Empire (http://www.thecatempire.com/) played! I hadn't seen them for about 2 years and they didn't disappoint. They were amazing. But would anything less be expected of them?! They pulled quite a crowd despite the rain. Just wonderful.


Snapping back to reality, I must get back to writing my mini-essays for my final assessment for my first MA course.



Brenda said...
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Anonymous said...

What?! You're PREGNANT? Wow, wait till I tell the others. ;)

Well I envy you studying - really! Hope it's going well. :)

Anonymous said...