14 December 2006


Could my wonderful gmail account actually let spam into my inbox?

That was my thought this morning when I logged on to my email and saw the sender 'Colleen' and the subject 'Offer Letter' and an attachment.

Against my usual 'delete it' instincts, I opened it.

It was indeed an offer.

USQ has let me into their MA in Applied Linguistics starting in March 2007 and with a 'Commonwealth Supported' place, which means the good old Aussie Government will pay 2/3 of the fees for me. This doesn't mean, however, that they will get my vote in the next election!

So gmail has pleased me once again for not letting in any spam. (Unless of course I fail all my courses then this post will be changed to an 'I hate spam' post and I'll have everyone imagining that I never even contemplated doing an MA.)

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