Way back on the first day of the Olympics, the Dutch team had bagged a gold medal in swimming and the Australian team just one bronze. A certain Dutch friend, let's just call him JURGEN, thought this was fabulous enough to send a nanananana text to me. By the end of the games, it was blindingly obvious that I had to send one of those very texts back to him.
So in an attempt to get even in the sporting arena, Jurgen decided to join Patrick, Sam, Nico and I at the Netherlands v Australia football match in Eindhoven. Now this football match took place quite a few weeks ago, but, being the football fanatics fantastic that the above mentioned Dutchies and honorary Dutchy are, I thought I would be kind enough to postpone this little post to a time when the salt wasn't so raw in the wounds. That time is now.
According to FIFA, the Dutch team is currently ranked number 5 in the world - just one place behind the brilliant Brazilian team. Australia is sandwiched between Colombia and Northern Ireland down at number 34 (http://www.fifa.com/worldfootball/ranking/lastranking/gender=m/fullranking.html).
Football fanatics fantastic thought this would be a walk in the park for their beloved Oranje efltal, and it certainly appeared that way after they scored the first goal within only a few minutes of play. But helaas, sometimes it rains when you take a walk in the proverbial park. When the final whistle blew it was still just ONE for Oranje and a massive TWO for the Green and Gold.
Thanks to the football fanatics fantastic for arranging this fun night out!
Our front row seats ensured we got all the close up action

Jurgen and Nico (and his divided loyalties)
Patrick (in a state of shock at the final score), Sam and I